Break Silos,
Achieve Visibility

Xint is a unified security management platform engineered by award-winning offensive security professionals to provide complete visibility and safeguard every aspect of your security.
Engineered by award-winning white hat hackers trusted by
Tired of the security hassle?

Xint simplifies your security posture. No more juggling multiple solutions, drowning in alarms, or fretting over missed threats.

Xint, the only USPM you need.

Put an End toIDOR

Comprehensive Visibility

Streamline security with a single platform for complete visibility of cloud environments and external threats, cutting silos and simplifying management.

Cost-Efficient Scalability

Replace a whole arsenal of security tools with a single streamlined, budget-friendly tool.

Proactive Defense

Leverage advanced detection and predictive analytics to identify and neutralize threats before they impact your operations.

Seamless Compliance

Navigate complex regulatory landscapes with ease, maintaining compliance across all digital assets with configurable rules and immediate feedback.

Comprehensive Visibility Across Your Entire System

By viewing cloud security, external threat detection, and automated penetration testing from an attacker's lens, Xint ensures every threat is visible and actionable.

Access Control
Network Security
Access Control
Network Security

Cloud Security

Continuously monitor your cloud environments, providing visibility into configuration settings, resource utilization and access controls.

Misconfiguration Detection

Identify misconfigurations in cloud infrastructure settings.

Compliance Monitoring

Ensure continuous compliance with industry standards (ISO 27001, SOC2 and more), with the ability to export a full list of issues for convenient tracking of security risks and compliance status.

Reporting and Analytics

Receive clear, prioritized recommendations to harden your cloud security posture and mitigate identified threats and vulnerabilities.
Threat Detection...
Total Issues0

External Threat Detection

Robust security measures and monitoring for your externally facing applications, including web applications, APIs, mobile apps, and third-party integrations.

Automated Port Scan and Monitoring

Continuously scan and monitor all open ports exposed to the Internet, identifying potential vulnerabilities and ensuring that only necessary and intended ports remain accessible.

Certificate and Protocol Management

Verify the validity and proper configuration of SSL/TLS certificates across your external assets, ensuring that all client-server communications are encrypted and secure.

Secret Management

Monitor your external resources for exposed sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, and access tokens, reducing the risk of unauthorized access using leaked secrets.

Offensive Security AI Engine

A revolutionary approach to penetration testing that combines the expertise of award-winning offensive cybersecurity veterans with cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology.

Intelligent Vulnerability Detection

Identify complex security flaws, such as IDOR and XSS, by analyzing application logic and user behavior patterns.

Autonomous Page and Component Analysis

Automatically discover and test web pages and components for a wide range of security issues, including unauthorized access to admin pages and privileged APIs.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Stay up-to-date with the latest attack techniques and emerging threats through regular AI model updates.

Extend your vision beyond the cloud and attack surfaces with

automated penetration testing insights from world-class offensive security professionals.

RegionNorth Virginia
Cloud PlatformAWS

Creation Date2023-04-21 10:15:23
Native TypeEC2, RDS, SNS
Resource TypeWebsite

Our Edge

Offensive Security for Proactive Defense

Master your security with Xint, leveraging hacker intelligence for integrated cloud defense, threat detection, and precise recommendation.
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Comprehensive Security Analysis

Unify insights from cloud, external threats, and our offensive security AI engine into a single dashboard for a holistic security overview.

Minimal False Positives

Xint ensures meaningful and actionable alerts by minimizing noise, sparing you from irrelevant false positives.

Continuous Automated Security

Xint delivers real-time protection through automated discovery and recommendations, outpacing traditional annual audits.

App Security

Container Security

Data Security

Network Security

App Security

Container Security

Data Security

Network Security

Agentless Coverage

Achieve fast, comprehensive cloud security without the hassle of installing agents, simplifying management.

Elite Hacker Expertise

Secure your business with advanced proactive defense strategies, leveraging the expertise of award-winning white hat hackers.

Issue-0912Exposed Nginx Version
Issue-0913Publicly Exposed Container

Real-Time Alerts and Recommendations

Get instant alerts and quick recommendations for threats, swiftly mitigating potential vulnerabilities.

Seamless Integration

Enhance existing defenses with easy integration into your security ecosystem, for cohesive protection.


Break Silos,
Achieve Visibility,
Streamline Your Security
with a single USPM solution, Xint